Decontracting Massage with Osteopathy and Chiropractic Techniques
Treatment that combines the techniques of decontracting massage with stretching, mobilization and joint unlocking. The maneuvers allow to eliminate muscular tension, release joint mobility and relieve affected and blocked areas of our body. The massage treats the bone, joint and visceral level. It is a recommended treatment to relieve chronic pain such as low back pain (spondylolisthesis, retrolisthesis, lysis), back pain (scoliosis), cervical pain, herniated discs, tendon pathologies (Cyriax technique), headaches (migraines), vertigo and bruxism.
60 €
Relieving massage
Ideal therapeutic massage to treat the muscular tensions that we accumulate during our day to day that cause us discomfort and limited mobility.
This consists of applying slow movements and pressure to penetrate and relax the deeper layers of the affected muscles.
It is a recommended treatment to relieve chronic pain and relax contracted areas in any part of the body.
60 - 90 MINUTES
60 - 85 €
Sport massage
A technique used after or before any physical activity. Recommended for those who practice sports regularly.
Sports massage is done to tone and relax the muscles, to prepare the body before or to recover a normal state after physical effort.
It is a fairly intense treatment, sometimes a bit painful, that prevents muscle overload and relieves the tension in the muscles in their natural / normal state.
65 €
Stretching Massage
Treatment that combines the techniques of decontracting massage with advanced passive and active stretching. Stretching allows the contracted muscles to be quickly lengthened, thus releasing part of the accumulated tension and improving the general mobility of the affected areas of our body. Recommended massage for those who are willing to actively participate in the treatment.
60 - 90 MINUTES
60 - 85 €
Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Las principales razones para hacer un masaje drenaje linfático son: hinchazón de la piel, exceso de grasa corporal, disminución de la turgencia de la piel, desordenes metabólicos, flujo linfático debilitado debido a la celulitis, etc. Se realiza una presión suave deslizando a lo largo de la línea de flujo linfático.
Ayuda a mejorar los procesos metabólicos en las capas de la piel. Estimula los vasos para que salga líquido linfático directamente de los órganos internos. Actúa sobre los ganglios linfáticos para eliminar las toxinas.
70 €
Back, Neck and Shoulder Massage
Express decontracting massage specific to treat accumulated tensions in the region of the back, neck and shoulders quickly and safely. Recommended for those who work seated many hours a day and want results in a minimum of time.
38 €
Masaje Exclusivo Respira…
Tratamiento de liberación emocional con masaje diafragmático y oxigenación celular. Comenzaremos con estiramientos miofasciales, para eliminar las tensiones que nos provocan desequilibrios en el movimiento natural del cuerpo.
En segundo lugar, te introduciremos bajo la cúpula de nuestra máquina estrella O2toDERM para que absorvas iones negativos de oxígeno vitaminado. Por último y mientras respiras oxígeno purificado, trabajaremos a nivel visceral el diafragma ya que éste es el músculo mas potente a nivel respiratorio y postural de todo el cuerpo.
70 €
Masaje Exclusivo «Antiestres»
El masaje terapéutico con tratamiento adicional de masaje sacro craneal es unas de las mejores herramientas para liberar nuestras emociones y aliviar el dolor muscular. Años de práctica en quiromasaje, osteopatía estructural y sacro craneal nos han permitido encontrar puntos y zonas en el cuerpo responsables de una profunda y efectiva relajación física y emocional, de esta manera hemos creado un “tratamiento especial” cuyos beneficios son más que notables.
90 €
Masaje Abdominal
La zona del abdomen acumula mucha tensión y bloqueos emocionales. Esto provoca limitación en la capacidad respiratoria (tensión en el diafragma) y rigidez en los órganos internos. El diafragma es un músculo que al estar en tensión baja provocando presión en el abdomen desplazando de los órganos internos. Dicha situación evidencia un abdomen notablemente inflamado, ya que el espacio queda reducido. Es el tratamiento perfecto para las personas que sufren ataques de ansiedad, limitación en la capacidad respiratoria o dolores en la zona del estómago.
65 €
Sacral Cranial Massage
Cranial sacral therapy is a type of massage that relieves compression on the bones of the head, sacrum, and spine. Gentle pressure is used on the head, neck, and back. It is a perfect treatment to restore cranial mobility and relieve or release restrictions on the head, neck, and nerves. Helps to release stress and tension both emotionally and physically. It can be part of your treatment for conditions such as: migraines and headaches, neck pain, insomnia, bruxism, dyslexia, autism, tinnitus, mood disorders such as anxiety or depression, and much more.
55 €
Relaxing massage
Massage based on slow, long and harmonious movements throughout the body to stabilize muscle tone, improve circulation and promote a general feeling of relaxation.
The most common indications for this treatment are: stress, depression, insomnia, chronic, emotional or physical fatigue and bad mood.
The recommended relaxing massage for clients receiving a massage for the first time.
60 - 90 MINUTES
60 - 85 €
Pregnant Massage
Massage specially designed for new mothers or pregnant women in their second or third trimester. The treatment provides tranquility and relief from pain in the back and legs during this period when the body needs special care. This results in an improvement in mood and quality of sleep, which strengthens the immune system. As we understand that safety is the most important thing, this massage will always be performed by staff with extensive experience in massages for pregnant women and postpartum.
60 €
Hot Stone Massage
The use of hot stones for therapeutic purposes has its origins in Chinese culture, where it has been used for more than 2000 years to improve the function of internal organs and promote relaxation. At Lorem, this practice combines classic relaxing massage with the use of hot basalt stones to deliver deep heat to the muscles. The transmitted heat, together with the use of essential oils, helps soothe joint pain, relieve persistent tension, increase circulation and promote relaxation.
60 - 90 MINUTES
60 - 85 €
Facial massage
Mix of movements to relax and tone the facial region, reducing muscle tensions that cause wrinkles and activating cellular metabolism to achieve a long-lasting natural lifting effect. In this treatment we use top quality professional products that nourish and increase the density and firmness of the skin. After the massage, an additional treatment can be added: Mask with a lifting effect that smoothes the features and firms and illuminates the skin.
40 - 50 MINUTOS
55 - 60€ (con mascarilla adicional)
Auriculotherapy is an acupuncture technique that stimulates points located on energy meridians to improve and balance health. It is a natural therapy that treats different types of chronic pain, helps lower muscle tension and serves to combat emotional and psychological disorders. It is a good tool for people who want to stop smoking, lose or balance their weight, have fluid retention, suffer from anxiety, dizziness, dizziness or migraines.
40 €